Animal Reclaims

If you and your pet have been separated, we will give them food, water, shelter, love and do our best to reunite you with your furry friend.
The Humane Society charges $25.00 for the first day and $10 for each additional day. If you have not reclaimed your pet within 7 days, the animal becomes ours and we will find a loving home to adopt him or her.
There may be charges from local police department to pet owners.
If you find a stray animal, please call your local non-emergency police dispatch phone number and they will advise you on their process.
Additional Information
City of Knoxville Fine Policy for Animals at Large
Beginning February 1, 2019, there will be a change in payment of fines from the city for animals at large. Please note, these fines are not new, only the manner of collection has changed in order to reclaim your animal. The fines for any animal that has been picked up by the Knoxville Police Department are $50.00 for the first offense and $100.00 for the second offense and further offenses.
In addition, Marion County Humane Society charges $25.00 for the first day of impound and $10.00 for each additional day. You have 7 days to reclaim your animal or it becomes the property of MCHS and will be put up for adoption.
In order to reclaim your animal after February 1, city fines will need to be paid before your animal can be reclaimed, including unpaid fines for the past 2 years. Fines can either be paid at the Knoxville Police Department or they can be paid at Marion County Humane Society. If payment arrangements need to be made, you will need to contact the Police Department. Marion County Humane Society has no authority to arrange payments.
Collecting fines in this manner will save tax payers money. Knoxville Police Department pays a fee for every animal taken to the shelter. Knoxville Police Department then cites the animal’s owner in order to recoup the cost. If fines are not paid on reclaimed animals, the City of Knoxville has to cover the cost without reimbursement from the animal’s owner.